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Ready, Set, Export!


8:00 am - 10:00 am


One Warwick Park Hotel
1 Warwick Park
Tunbridge Wells




South East

Event Website/Booking Link

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The Department for International Trade (DIT) South East are hosting a festive breakfast event for businesses in Kent and parts of East Sussex looking to find customers and grow sales in new markets overseas.

Whether you are a seasoned exporter looking to diversify your markets or a business aiming to sell products or services overseas for the first time, the event will provide valuable insights and advice to maximise your sales potential and minimise your risks.

We will be launching an exciting new support package available for businesses in Kent and East Sussex and provide a series of rapid-fire sessions from experts in international law, finance and expert support from government specialists in the UK and overseas.

Tunbridge Wells based experts from Cripps (Law), RSM (Accountancy & Tax) and Brookes IP (Intellectual Property) will be our partners on the day and will be on-hand to provide specialist advice to help plan your next steps.

This event is part-funded by the ERDF Get Exporting 2 programme.

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